#5 Lulu Inthesky
Lulu behind the young and the long golden hair , hides illustrator Laetitia Lamblin aka LuLu Inthesky brown it !
Laetitia between the LCA Paris in 2005 to form the illustration . She meets Yannick François and Christine Roussey to mark his studies by teaching them valuable …
Alongside his studies, in 2007 , she joined as a camera assistant workshop Pascal Colrat graduate of Fine Arts in Paris , photographer and poster . This is the beginning of a beautiful artistic collaboration.
Just graduated , in 2009 it is officially opened his blog ” Luluinthesky.fr ” , recounting the life of a young woman tormented by fantasies impregnated with rose water made in Disney. For three years, he came to Lulu many adventures … until the game not the Prince Charming , but Estelle in Jungle ! This meeting gave birth to the first album ” Lulu , it was once a princess … ” in January 2013. Laetitia the sign under the name LuLu Inthesky .
Since 2010, Laetitia works for editions Retz youth, Paulette Magazine , Decathlon, the Coupliz social network , review Kazoum … She also participates in various events recognized as canvas Festiblog the Fashionweek illustrated or ” the project May 17 . ”
Since 2011, Laetitia has participated in several group exhibitions , including the Voskel Gallery , the luxury hotel Westin, and most recently the Gallery Arludik tribute to Tim Burton.
Today, it is dedicated to illustration and comics while still working alongside Pascal Colrat , where she works to achieve its many posters. It is in this workshop, and under the light of the relevant mentor, she still more perfect understanding of the Image.